Position Paper

El Político

El Político Azorín explains the nature of classical statesmanship  by Loane Le Clouërec José Martínez Ruiz was born in 1873 into a middle-class family of nine children in the small town of Monóvar in the Alicante province of Spain. During his university years in Valencia, where he studied law but did not complete his degree, he began to write for local newspapers and published literary criticism in 1893 before turning to radical journals.   José Martínez Ruiz, forefather of the Generación del 98 and Spain’s Azorín After moving to Madrid to become a journalist, José Martínez Ruiz was often dismissed for his political radicalism and presentations of anarchist theories of that time.… Read the rest

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Global Corporations are Global Citizens

Global Corporations are Global Citizens They stand alongside states in an ever more interconnected world by Barbara Matta Multinational corporations (MNCs) are citizens of the world and ‘the most public face of globalisation’[1]. MNCs stand alongside states in the international arena, and their influence is a clear demonstration of a world that is turning more and more post-Westphalian in nature.… Read the rest

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Disciplined Leadership

Disciplined Leadership True leaders are made, not just born by Nicholas Dungan Leadership takes work. To be sure, some individuals come into this world with qualities and talents that suit them well for future leadership: charisma, articulateness, penetrating insight, an impressive presence.… Read the rest

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Authentic Influence

Authentic Infuence Thinking it through before acting upon it  by Nicholas Dungan Before we attempt to exercise influence, we ought to analyse what we mean by influence and what the meaning of that influence implies. First and foremost, if we are decent people seeking to use our influence towards benificent ends, the influence we wish to exercise must be authentic: genuine, heartfelt, inspired by good will and intended to create good will.… Read the rest

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The Sense of Reality

The Sense of Reality Isaiah Berlin brings a philosophical perspective to practical leadership by Nicholas Dungan The intellectual production of Sir Isaiah Berlin constitutes so vast and so varied an œuvre that it is not surprising to find, in the compilation of discrete writings gathered together in the book entitled The Sense of Reality, a wide diversity of subjects and ideas.… Read the rest

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