We help organisations be better and do better
to future-proof their purpose and performance
CogitoPraxis was established in 2018 to provide strategic advisory services.
It comprises a team of multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary professionals who are all motivated by a powerful commitment to help clients manage transformative change.

Organisations today are held accountable for the totality of their role in society.
To achieve relevance and resilience, organisations must adopt a holistic 360° view of their purpose and their performance.
New, complex risks – ranging from geopolitical tensions to ethical, social and environmental pressures – are reshaping corporate accountability.
CogitoPraxis’s 360º analysis paradigm assesses an organisation’s total impact, encompassing all stakeholder interactions.
Using advanced, proprietary methodologies, we help leaders navigate risks, deploy actionable strategies and measure their effectiveness.
Our bespoke, focused advisory services support clients across different geographies, sectors and milestones.

Select an image to learn more about the purpose, process and profit of each service.
CogitoPraxis Methodologies
Six Core Classes: Fully Holistic Scope

Nicholas Dungan
CEO and FounderThe Hague
Has advised CEOs, chairpersons, board directors, business owners, senior executives and emerging talents on strategies of influence, professional leadership, corporate citizenship and strategic foresight across a broad range of organisations drawn from industry, finance, government, not-for-profit and professional services. Previously investment banker, not-for-profit CEO, think tank fellow, board director. Graduate of Stanford University and SciencesPo Paris.

Vanessa Badré
Senior AdvisorParis
American University Faculty Fellow. Lawyer, art historian, keynote speaker using art to explore socio-economic themes and concepts. Research focus on problems analysis and decision-making. Previously corporate lawyer, Citroën and Peugeot, Colgate-Palmolive. Graduate of SciencesPo; MA in art history, La Sorbonne; master’s in law, Paris II Panthéon Assas.

Ambassador Joachim Bitterlich (Ret) CBE
Senior AdvisorParis | Berlin
Board Director and Consultant. Teaches geopolitics and strategic affairs at ESCP Paris Business School, ILERI Paris and other institutions. Previously chief European, foreign and security policy advisor to Chancellor Helmut Kohl, German ambassador to NATO and Spain, EVP International and chairman for Germany of Veolia. Graduate of University of Saarbrücken and École Nationale d’Administration. Commandeur of the Ordre national du mérite, Officier of the Légion d’honneur.

Colonel (Ret) Si Bradley
Senior AdvisorLondon
Over 26 years active UK military service on conventional and special operations in the Balkans, Africa, Middle East, Australasia and UK. Developed innovative technological solutions in high-risk environments with defence and civilian industries in the UK, USA, Germany and Turkey. Commanded the British Army’s most deployed bomb disposal unit. Military advisor and strategist at NATO and to Armed Forces of Oman, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, France, Japan and Colombia. Final appointment as Military Advisor to UK Secretary of State for Defence in the Office for Net Assessment & Challenge working with ministers, senior officials and cross-government advisors.

Mark Cliffe
Senior AdvisorLondon
Heterodox economist with over 30 years experience in forecasting the global economy and markets, advising financial and corporate clients around the world. Visiting Fellow, Global Systems Institute, University of Exeter with a focus on developing decision-useful climate scenarios. Visiting Professor, London Institute of Banking and Finance. Advisor to Project Syndicate. Group Chief Economist and Head of Research at ING Group, having held similar positions at HSBC, Nomura and ANZ Merchant Bank. Double First in Economics from Christ’s College, Cambridge University.

The Rev Canon Dr William Danaher
Senior AdvisorMichigan, USA
Demonstrated success in strategic planning, organizational change, institutional advancement, and servant leadership. Outstanding record of initiatives that attract new donors and institutional stakeholders. Ordained Episcopal Priest with broad experience in urban, suburban and rural contexts. Developed skills in non-profit and academic administration. Doctorate in Religious Studies with experience teaching at the graduate, professional and undergraduate level. Long-standing commitment to social transformation in diverse racial, ethnic and religious contexts. Extensive publications on the intersection of Theology, Religion and Ethics. Catalytic work in inter-religious education and dialogue.

Prof Abigail Linnington
Senior AdvisorMassachusetts, USA
Professor of international security studies, Fletcher School, Tufts University. Previously US Army Colonel and helicopter pilot, specialised at US Department of Defense in military strategy and planning, defence policy, and professional military education. Graduate of United States Military Academy, West Point; master’s and PhD, Fletcher School, Tufts University. Has lived in France, Korea and Afghanistan.

Maurits Regenboog
Senior AdvisorNorth Holland, Netherlands
Independent corporate finance advisor and investor. Industry advisor to Volpi Capital, London. Ambassador of P Capital Partners, Stockholm. Previously senior management positions at ABN AMRO Bank, Amsterdam; Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Tokyo; BHF Bank, Frankfurt; Charterhouse Bank, London. MBA, Rotterdam School of Management of Erasmus University.

Dr Sebastian Schwark
Senior AdvisorBerlin
Partner at FleishmanHillard, Berlin, and Visiting Fellow at The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Washington, DC. Previously Managing Director at Edelman, Berlin, Head of New York Office at Portland, Visiting Fellow at the European Institute at Columbia University, New York, and Congressional Fellow at The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Washington, DC. Expertise in corporate citizenship and reputation management. Ph.D. in political science from Georg-August-Universtät Göttingen.

General Dominique Trinquand (Ret)
Senior AdvisorParis
President, DHT Conseil. Author of Ce qui nous attend, published October 2023. French military career included postings to operating regiments, high-level staff duties and international organisations including UN, EU and NATO. Participated in operations in the Lebanon, Balkans and Africa. Previously Marck & Balsan director for external relations, responsible for relations with international organisations and governments; established OMP Solutions group of companies to equip troops on operations. Graduate of Military Academy of Saint Cyr; Ecole supérieure de guerre, Paris; Staff College, Camberley and Royal College of Defence Studies, London. Regular media appearances on geostrategic, geopolitical and security analysis of current and emerging issues.

Gaia Bellavista
Government and public sector consultant for a multinational firm, focused on culture and sustainability. Previously consultant in the Governance and Innovation team for the United Nations Development programme for Eastern Europe-Central Asia, including portfolio design and data innovation. Co-founder of Carbon Neutrality Challenge. Master’s in International Public Management, SciencesPo, including exchange year, University of Toronto.

Jason Chau
Foreign affairs writer for The Economist. MPhil St Antony’s College, University of Oxford. Previous Editor-in-Chief, the Oxford Student, law and interviews editor of the Oxford Political Review and policy engagement officer at Oxford’s Department of Social Policy and Intervention. Prior experience at United Nations on knowledge management for peacekeeping missions; paralegal and management consultant for various firms and organisations. LLB with first-class honours from University of Bristol.

David Graf
Business Strategist at a premier Swiss wealth management and financial services provider. Leveraging international experiences in Global Markets, Alternative Asset Management, Wealth Management, and more. Dual degree graduate from Università Bocconi, Milan, and Nova SBE, Lisbon. BA in Banking & Finance from the University of Zurich (UZH). Former Executive Board Member of UZH’s Economics Association and Chairman of the economics faction in the student council. Previous Swiss Armed Forces service as a military engineer.

Neville Lai
AdvisorHong Kong
Advises public sector clients on their strategic prioritisation for creating ‘future-ready’ organisations. Curator for Global Shapers Community Hong Kong, an initiative of the World Economic Forum that inspires, empowers and connects young leaders to reach their full potential, shape decision-making processes and drive positive change in their communities and the world. Founded the ‘Future City Dialogue Series’ that distils youth-led actions to improve the future readiness of Hong Kong through dialogues and is actively growing an audience of young professionals to future-proof together. Independent Strategist in International Affairs with a focus on East Asia. Thought leadership was featured in leading publications. Frequent public speaker. Currently based in Hong Kong and speaks four languages.

Loane Le Clouërec
French-Peruvian Master’s candidate in International Management and Sustainability at SciencesPo. Currently M&A Analyst in Renewables at TotalEnergies (Solar, Wind, Hydro) and previously International Business Analyst at Guerlain, Maison of LVMH. Competitive runner and previous competitive equestrian. Lived in Madagascar, Scotland, France, Argentina and Angola. Speaks English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese. Bachelor’s in Economics and Society, SciencesPo, including exchange semester, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.

Maria-Ruxandra Lefter
Political Risk Analyst at a global insurance brokerage. Previously research associate in a due diligence firm, working with investment banks and private equity firms. Worked for a Canadian Member of Parliament and Permanent Romanian Representations. Dual master’s degree in International Security and Intelligence from SciencesPo Paris and King’s College London. Dual bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from SciencesPo Paris and the University of British Columbia. Fluent in English, French, Romanian and Spanish; learning Russian.

Barbara Matta
AdvisorBologna, Italy
Master’s candidate in International Security Studies, University of Bologna. European Union Junior Expert at the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Punto Europa (Forlì). Worked at the Brussels School of Governance and at the Italian Embassy in Chile. Honours graduate in Diplomatic and International Studies, University of Bologna; ERASMUS exchange year at SciencesPo Reims campus, certificate in International Affairs and Strategy summa cum laude. Speaks English, French, Italian and Spanish.

Petra Nagy-Jevremov
Masters candidate in Conflict Resolution and Mediation, Tel Aviv University. Previously, Consultant at Spencer Ogden, Finance and Trading division, specializing in the Infrastructure, Energy, and Renewables Finance sectors. IMDB accredited actress and former dancer. Speaks Hungarian, Serbo-Croatian, and English. Administrative Field Officer, Mel Wymore for City Council 2017. Honours BA Graduate in World Politics, Leiden University College, The Hague.

Roberto Nugnes
AdvisorNovara, Italy
Master’s candidate, Leiden University. Co-founder and vice chair of IAPSS Italy, national chapter of International Association of Political Science Students. For eight years volunteered weekly at the soup kitchen in his neighbourhood, also offered structured educational programmes for teenagers. Speaks Italian, English, Spanish, French. Graduate in International Politics and Government, Bocconi University, including exchange semester at SciencesPo Reims campus.

Aurore Pasquet
Computational neuroscientist. Associate at a strategic communications firm in London. eGovernance master’s candidate at Stockholm University. Neuroscience advisor on financial decision-making and research frameworks of biotech startups. Active in Zonta and One Loud Voice for Women. Speaks French, English, Spanish. Master’s and bachelor’s in neuroscience, King’s College London; Associateship of King’s College in Theology and Critical Thinking.

CogitoPraxis Nederland B.V. | Kranenburgweg 135 A | 2583 ER The Hague | The Netherlands